Feature Assembly

The nazgul-tools-feature-assembly creates and deploys a Karaf feature file which facilitates installing all Nazgul Framework: Tools bundles into a Karaf runtime. To enable installing all nazgul tools bundles, simply add the Nazgul Tools feature configuration to Karaf.

Adding nazgul_tools feature from the command line

Launch karaf normally:


Then add the nazgul_tools feature:

karaf@root()> feature:repo-add mvn:se.jguru.nazgul.tools.features/nazgul-tools-features-assembly/LATEST/xml/features

If you list the available features, the nazgul-tools feature is shown in the top of the listing. Mind that the version shown in your console is likely a stable version, unless you have built the Nazgul Framework: Tools from source and on a SNAPSHOT version.

karaf@root()> feature:list
Name                          | Version          | Installed | Repository               | Description
logback-classic               | 4.0.3-SNAPSHOT   |           | nazgul-tools             | Nazgul Framework: Tools
nazgul-tools                  | 4.0.3-SNAPSHOT   |           | nazgul-tools             | Nazgul Framework: Tools
spring-dm                     | 1.2.1            |           | spring-3.0.3             | Spring DM support

The Nazgul Tools features are now available for installation. However, all Nazgul Framework projects use Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) for logging. The Nazgul Framework does not define an explicit feature dependency to slf4j, since the standard package of Karaf normally exports pax-logging - which, in turn, exports org.slf4j. Simply install the nazgul-tools bundle with the command

karaf@root()> feature:install nazgul-tools

The feature will now be installed:

karaf@root()> feature:list
Name                          | Version          | Installed | Repository               | Description
logback-classic               | 4.0.3-SNAPSHOT   |           | nazgul-tools             | Nazgul Framework: Tools
nazgul-tools                  | 4.0.3-SNAPSHOT   | x         | nazgul-tools             | Nazgul Framework: Tools
spring-dm                     | 1.2.1            |           | spring-3.0.3             | Spring DM support

Making Karaf auto-launch the nazgul-tools feature

At boot time, Karaf reads the file etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg to find the feature repositories and features which should be installed at boot time. If you want the nazgul-tools feature to be automatically installed into Karaf at boot time, add the Nazgul Tools feature repository to the list of featureRepositories used by Karaf and the nazgul-tools feature identifier to the end of the featuresBoot option:

simply add nazgul-tools to the featuresBoot option as shown below. The featureRepositories option is given on a single line in the configuration file but has been wrapped for readability in this documentation:

# Comma separated list of features repositories to register by default

# Comma separated list of features to install at startup

When launching Karaf, the nazgul-tools feature is now automatically installed:

karaf@root()> feature:list
Name                          | Version          | Installed | Repository               | Description
logback-classic               | 4.0.3-SNAPSHOT   |           | nazgul-tools             | Nazgul Framework: Tools
nazgul-tools                  | 4.0.3-SNAPSHOT   | x         | nazgul-tools             | Nazgul Framework: Tools
spring-dm                     | 1.2.1            |           | spring-3.0.3             | Spring DM support

While the documentation was performed on a development (i.e. SNAPSHOT) version, your version of the nazgul-tools-validation-aspect and its api should be a fixed version.

Bundles activated by the nazgul-tools feature

The following bundles are made active by the nazgul-tools feature. Again, please note that the versions of the nazgul-tools-validation-api and nazgul-tools-validation-aspect bundles will be fix, release versions unless you build a snapshot version yourself:

karaf@root()> bundle:list
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
ID | State  | Lvl | Version        | Name
64 | Active |  50 | 4.0.3.SNAPSHOT | nazgul-tools-validation-api
65 | Active |  50 | 4.0.3.SNAPSHOT | nazgul-tools-validation-aspect
66 | Active |  50 | 3.4.0          | Apache Commons Lang
67 | Active |  50 | 1.8.6          | AspectJ_Runtime